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School of Pharmacy

교수 소개


조효선 교수

No. 약308



  • Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, 박사
  • Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, 박사
  • [Anti-Tumor Effect of Heat-Killed Bifidobacterium bifidum on Human Gastric Cancer through Akt-p53-Dependent Mitochondrial Apoptosis in Xenograft Models], 2022, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
  • [Apigenin Increases Natural Killer Cytotoxicity to Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Expressing HIF-1α through High Interaction of CD95/CD95L], 2022, J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.
  • [Anti-Tumor Effects of Heat-Killed L. reuteri MG5346 and L. casei MG4584 against Human Colorectal Carcinoma through Caspase-9-Dependent Apoptosis in Xenograft Model], 2022, MICROORGANISMS
  • [The antitumor effect of natural killer cells against hepatocellular carcinoma through CXCL9], 2022, MOLECULAR & CELLULAR TOXICOLOGY
  • [The Inhibitory Effect of NLRP3 Deficiency in Hepatocellular Carcinoma SK-Hep1 Cells], 2021, microbiology and biotechnology letters
  • [Korean Red Ginseng Enhances Immunotherapeutic Effects of NK Cells via Eosinophils in metastatic Liver Cancer Model], 2021, nutrients
  • [Postbiotics for cancer prevention and treatment], 2021, Korean journal of microbiology
  • [NLRP3 Deficiency in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Enhances Surveillance of NK-92 through a Modulation of MICA/B], 2021, International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • [Cisplatin Resistance in Epstein–Barr-Virus-Associated Gastric Carcinoma Acquired through ATM Methylation], 2021, CANCERS
  • [Natural killer cells inhibit breast cancer cell invasion through downregulation of urokinase type plasminogen activator], 2020, ONCOLOGY REPORTS
  • [FoxP3, PD-1 and CTLA-4 are decreased significantly after a tenofovir therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis B], 2020, Future Virology
  • [Attenuated anti‑tumor activity of NK‑92 cells by invasive human breast carcinoma MDA‑MB‑231 cells], 2020, Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
  • [Undaria pinnatifida Fucoidan-Rich Extract Recovers Immunity of Immunosuppressed Mice], 2019, JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY
  • [Quercetin Synergistically Inhibit EBV-Associated Gastric Carcinoma with Ganoderma lucidum Extracts], 2019, Molecules
  • [Undaria pinnatifida Fucoidan-Rich Extract Induces Both Innate and Adaptive Immune responses], 2019, Natural Product Communications
  • [Antitumor and Anti-Invasive Effect of Apigenin on Human Breast Carcinoma through Suppression of IL-6 expression], 2019, International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • [Anti-cancer Effect of Apigenin on Human Breast Carcinoma MDA-MB-231 through Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis], 2019, Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
  • [Adenosine Induces EBV Lytic Reactivation through ADORA1 in EBV-Associated Gastric Carcinoma], 2019, International journal of molecular sciences
  • [Cytokine-Modulated Natural Killer Cells Differentially Regulate the Activity of the Hepatitis C Virus], 2018, International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • [Phylogenetic comparison of Epstein-Barr virus genomes], 2018, Journal of Microbiology
  • [Improved Anti-Cancer Effect of Curcumin on Breast Cancer Cells by Increasing the Activity of Natural Killer Cells], 2018, J. Microbiol. Biotechnol.
  • tumor immunology, viral immunology, natural killer cells
  • 면역학/ 바이오의약품론/ 분자면역학/ 심화필수실무실습/ 약학개론/ 약학개론(통6)/ 제약및의약품행정기초필수실무실습/ 지역약국기초필수실무실습/ 항생물질학